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Shipping & Returns

The most frequently asked questions about shipping and returns

When will I receive my purchase?

The processing time for an order is 1 to 48 hours. After processing, the order is sent securely, and will take between 1 and 3 business days for mainland Portugal, and 2 to 7 business days for the Azores and Madeira.

You will receive a tracking code for your order in your email.

How can I track the shipment?

The moment an order is dispatched, a tracking number is automatically created, which is immediately shared with you.

This way you will always be informed about the status of your order and the expected delivery date.

Make sure that data such as your email and telephone number are correct and up to date.

Are shipments safe?

In addition to being tracked, all of our shipments are insured. You can rest assured that your purchase will always be protected.

If you have any questions about the delivery of your order, please contact us.

I made a mistake with the delivery details, now what?

Don't worry. Just get in touch with us, through one of the official channels. (Email, Contact form, Whatsapp, or social networks)

We will rectify the data and you will receive an email confirming the change.

How to request a return?

Send an email to to request the start of the return process, explaining the reasons for the return.

Return conditions

All equipment must be returned in the same condition in which it was made available to the customer.
Upon receipt of the equipment, iGrade will carry out a battery of tests to validate the condition of the device, and ensure that it is in the same condition as at the date of sale.

Refund deadlines

Once we receive your iPhone back, our team will process your refund within approximately 5 business days, where you will be notified by email.


The most frequently asked questions about orders

The product I want is out of stock. And now?

Get in touch with us and tell us what you are looking for. We will check the existence of stock with our suppliers.

If there is stock, we will place an order and the product will be available to you within 5 to 8 business days.

Do you have a physical store?

At the moment, iGrade only has an online store.

All purchases on our website are secure, and have registered and insured deliveries, making your purchases 100% safe.

About Products

The most frequently asked questions about our products

What condition are iPhones in?

iGrade sells equipment in the following states:

  • Excellent - The equipment shows minimal or no signs of use. It's the best possible state.
  • Very Good - The equipment shows slight signs of use. Small visible and/or touchable scratches.
  • Good - the equipment shows more marked signs of use, with some visible marks.

All of our iPhones have passed, with distinction, the most demanding tests to guarantee excellence in performance and perfect condition.

What comes included with the iPhone?

All of our iPhones come with a charging cable.

Do iPhones have a warranty?

Yes, all of our iPhones have an 18-month warranty, except for the batteries, which have a 6-month warranty.
Find out more under Warranty

Payment methods

The most frequently asked questions about payment methods

What payment methods are available?

iGrade offers several payment methods, all of which are secure and transparent. See the available payment methods and choose the one that is most convenient for you.

  • ATM
  • MBWay
  • Payshop
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • Cofidis Pay
  • Klarna

Find out more in Payment Methods

Can I pay in installments?

Yes. iGrade offers, through its partners, two installment payment solutions. We have Cofidis Pay, which allows you to divide your payment between 3 and 12 interest-free installments, and we have Klarna, which allows you to split your payment into 3 interest-free installments over 60 days.
For more information see Payments in Installments

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